Lip Blush
What is Lip Blush?
Lip blushing and permanent lipstick allows you to wake up with picture-perfect, beautifully shaped and flushed lips without applying a stitch of lip color! Fans of lip pigmentation rave about the natural-looking results and time-saving benefits.
Many women enjoy lip color, but don’t like the problems associated with conventional lip liner and lipstick. Traditional makeup smudges, fades and cracks, drawing unwanted attention to unattractive wrinkles around the mouth. As we age, we tend to lose our natural lip color and shape due to maturing skin, hormonal changes, and scarring.
Lip blush is for anyone who wants a pretty lip that lasts. Add color back to a faded vermillion border, correct subtle asymmetries in your lip shape, and give the lip an enhanced or minimized fullness for a beautiful smile that fits with your busy lifestyle. Add a shapely cupids bow for the icing on the cake, and the end result is a more confident you with a youthful pout enhanced with the color of your choice.
Results last anywhere from 2– 5 years, depending on type of procedure, your skin type and your health. Your post-procedure care is also important for lasting pigmentation.
Your lips will swell post treatment. This can last up to 3 days and doesn’t affect your final result.
Here are some factors will cause your semi-permanent tattoo to fade faster:
Oily skin
Retinol or Vitamin C
Iron deficiency
Sun exposure
Exposure to salt water
Lip blush treatment can cause the herpes simplex virus to reactivate. If you have ever had a cold sore the the past, we strongly recommend you take an anti-viral medication prescribed by your doctor 3-5 days prior to your treatment. If you are unsure, please speak to your doctor.
If you develop cold sores post treatment is will slow down your healing and can result in pigment loss and patchy results. You will likely require an extra session.
Please remember that cold sores can happen to anyone at any time after this treatment. It’s not a sign of incorrect treatment or lack of safety, it is the reaction of the skin to the treatment.
If you are considering lip filler, this should be done 4 weeks prior to your appointment. If you get lip filler post tattoo you run the risk of your lips stretching and your tattoo looking uneven.
Semi-permanent cosmetic lip blush tattoo is not suitable for clients who are:
Pregnant or breast feeding
Undergoing cancer treatments
On Accutane, or have been taking Accutane in the past six months, have epilepsy.
What is Lip Neutralization?
Lip Neutralizing is a specialized treatment series for people with darker lips with purple or blue undertones.
The process includes 3 steps:
We need to naturalize the lips to a natural and healthy look as much as possible with orange or red pigment.
We start to add the color of your choice and see how your body accepts the treatment.
We adjust the color based upon the final desired look.
Melanin-rich skin is very tricky to work on and can often require 2-3 sessions to achieve the desired result. Once lips are neutralized, many clients follow up with their desired lip blush shade!
Lip Neutralizing can last for approximately 2-4 years, or longer with recommended refresh sessions every 18-24 months.
Pre Care Instructions
If you’ve EVER had even 1 cold sore on the outside area of your mouth or on your lips you MUST take a doctor prescribed Valtrex or a similar antiviral at least 3 days prior and 3 days after getting your lips tattooed. If you don’t, this procedure will trigger an outbreak that will affect healing.
Make sure your lips are well moisturized in the days leading to the appt. Dry, cracked lips won’t heal nicely.
DO NOT get lip injections 4 weeks before and after these treatments.
DO NOT drink coffee or any caffeine on the day of the procedure.
DO NOT drink alcohol 24 hours before the procedure.
DO NOT workout on the day of the procedure.
DO NOT consume Advil, Aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin E and/or Ibuprofen, fish oil supplements, omega-3, unless medically necessary or any blood thinning medication for a minimum of 72 hours prior to the procedure.
Exfoliators, creams containing Glycolic Acid, Retin-A, Renova, and Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHAs) at least 72 hours before the procedure.
Chemical peels and laser treatments should be avoided within 4 weeks of the procedure.
If you have been on prescription Accutane in the past, you MUST wait at least 1 year before considering this procedure.
After Care Instructions
Refrain from soaking your lips in water for a week and from applying makeup to them.
Refrain from using saunas and swimming pools, sweating excessively and sunbathing for 5 days.
DO NOT peel any dry skin/scabs.
DO NOT eat spicy foods or hot liquids for 48 hours after your procedure.
DO NOT bleach your teeth until your lips are healed.
DO NOT excessively stretch lips while they are healing with big smiles or pucker lips with smoking.
Keep the lips moisturized with Aquaphor or our recommended balm only (no Neosporin, vaseline, etc).